Suzy Delair


Suzy Delair Movies or Tv Shows (upto Jun 2024) - Watch Online

29th May 2022 | FlixCatalog Staff

Prototype of the sexy cheeky French lady, Suzy Delair was discovered by Henri-Georges Clouzot, who became her companion and gave her two memorable roles : Mila Malou, inspector Wens' unbearable girlfriend in two films, Le dernier des six (1941), which he wrote, and L'assassin habite... au 21 (1942), which he penned and directed; and the mythical one of Jenny Lamour, a frivolous music-hall singer prepared to do anything to become famous who makes her poor husband insanely jealous in Quai des Orfèvres (1947). The rest of her filmography is rather disappointing, with a few exceptions such as Jean Grémillon's Pattes blanches (1949) , where she is -once again - an unfaithful companion ; Gervaise (1956), René Clément's masterpiece as Gervaise's obnoxious rival or Luchino Visconti's Rocco et ses frères (1960), another cinema milestone, even if her part in this film is minor. An excellent singer (Who has forgotten "Avec son tra la la"?), delightful in operettas, Suzy Delair could hardly choose between her two careers. This may be the reason why she missed out on more great roles than she finally interpreted. Nevertheless, Mila Malou and Jenny Lamour are now part of the French film heritage. Not everybody can boast having left such an imprint on several generations of movie-goers. - IMDb Mini Biography By: Guy Bellinger

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Streaming Availability

Hoopla has the most number of Suzy Delair’s flixes, followed by YouTube compared to other streaming platforms. See the full graph below.

Releases by Year

Suzy Delair on average has worked on 1 movies per year from 1972 to 1987. See the full graphs of the number of Suzy Delair movies released per year from 1972 till 1987.

Top Genres

Suzy Delair works mostly in Adventure Genre followed by Comedy Genre flixes. 43% of Suzy Delair movies are Adventure Genre movies. See Top Genres that Suzy Delair worked on in the graph below.

Average IMDB Score

On average the IMDB score of the movies that Suzy Delair has worked on is 7.4.

7.4 / 10

Suzy Delair's Movies and Tv Series available to Stream now ..

A bigoted Frenchman finds himself forced to impersonate a popular rabbi while on the run from a group of assassins - and the police.

7.4/10100 min

Available in 10 platform(s).