Sonia Monroy


Sonia Monroy Movies or Tv Shows (upto Jun 2024) - Watch Online

29th May 2022 | FlixCatalog Staff

Sonia Monroy biographySonia was born and raised in Barcelona, Spain, along with six siblings and would later follow in her parents footsteps into the entertainment industry. She is the daughter of Virtudes Casals (actress) and Perfecto Monroy (actor and opera singer). Under the famous theatre Liceo in Barcelona, where her father was performing plays, she started moving toward her first steps as an actress at the age of six with the opera Madame Butterfly doing the role of the Geisha's son. She took acting and singing classes at Conservatory of the Liceo for 10 years.In the early 90s, she began appearing on television as an actress in a comedy TV show called Força Barça. In 1998 The famous Producer José Luis Moreno hired her as a comedian for his TV series Maravillas diez y pico. In 2003 she creates her band Sex Bomb obtaining wide success with the album Ven. Her song Ven Ven Ven which would become one of the biggest hits and would propel the album to multimillion-unit sales, achieving a Gold record.In 2011 she starred the scary movie named Serie-b directed by Richard Vogue and produced by Olwyn Films and as a result of her amazing role she was a candidate to be nominated for the Goya's awards as a best actress. (Goya is like the Oscars awards in the Latin world) She has constantly worked in plays, television and featured films such as Torrente directed by the famous director Santiago Segura.In 2013 Sonia decided to move to Los Angeles where she produces her own reality TV show Sonia in Hollywood, Interviewing many celebrities and landed the opportunity to attend The Oscars.In 2015 Sonia starring the featured film Less than a whisper by famous american horror director Francis Xavier produced by Metropolis Pictures Entertainment. As a result of her role as a Ms. Usher, Sonia was nominated as a "Best Actress" by the latin awards Vive Latino America. 2016 She wrote, directed and lead her own comedy Hollywood Dream produced by her own film company Monroy's Films Productions.She want to grow in America as a great actress and movie director. - IMDb Mini Biography By: FRANK MONROY

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Streaming Availability

Hoopla has the most number of Sonia Monroy’s flixes, followed by Amazon Video compared to other streaming platforms. See the full graph below.

Releases by Year

Sonia Monroy on average has worked on 1 movies per year from 1999 to 2017. See the full graphs of the number of Sonia Monroy movies released per year from 1999 till 2017.

Top Genres

Sonia Monroy works mostly in Comedy Genre followed by Horror Genre flixes. 50% of Sonia Monroy movies are Comedy Genre movies. See Top Genres that Sonia Monroy worked on in the graph below.

Average IMDB Score

On average the IMDB score of the movies that Sonia Monroy has worked on is 5.3.

5.3 / 10

Sonia Monroy's Movies and Tv Series available to Stream now ..

Less Than a Whisper (2015)

Robert and Taylor Usher expect to be happy in their new house in Northridge, California where years ago, murder and mutilations destroyed the former residents. It doesn't matter to the ...

4.6/1090 min

Available in 3 platform(s).