Nat Cassidy


Nat Cassidy Movies or Tv Shows (upto Jun 2024) - Watch Online

29th May 2022 | FlixCatalog Staff

Nat Cassidy is an actor, playwright, screenwriter, novelist and musician. Born in North Carolina in 1981, and raised in Arizona, he received his BFA in Acting/Directing from the University of Arizona in 2004.As an actor, Nat has been seen Off- and Off-Off-Broadway at venues such as Lincoln Center, Cherry Lane, The Public, SoHo Playhouse, Classic Stage Company's East 13th Street Theatre, The Arclight, 59E59, Theatre Row, and many others. He can be seen on shows such as "Blue Bloods" (CBS), "Bull" (CBS), "Quantico" (ABC), "The Good Fight" (CBS), "The Following" (Fox), "The Affair" (Showtime), "Red Oaks" (Amazon) "High Maintenance" (HBO), "Law & Order: SVU" (NBC), and others. He was awarded Best Actor for his work in the indie horror comedy "They Will Outlive Us All" at the Route 66 International Film Festival.Nat is also the author of award-winning horror plays such as The Temple, or, Lebensraum; Any Day Now; Tenants; The Reckoning of Kit & Little Boots; The Demon Hunter; I Am Providence; Pierce; Old Familiar Faces; Goldsboro; and more, which have been produced and developed across the country.In New York, his plays have been nominated for a combined total of 17 New York Innovative Theatre Awards, including 3 times for Outstanding Full-Length Script (which he won in 2009, and in 2011 for Outstanding Solo Performance for his one man show about H.P. Lovecraft) and he was commissioned by The Kennedy Center to write the libretto for a world-premiere short opera (about the end of the world, natch). He also wrote the novelization of the hit podcast Steal the Stars, which was published by Tor Books and which NPR included as one of the best books of 2017. - IMDb Mini Biography By: Austin Lacher

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Streaming Availability

Amazon Video has the most number of Nat Cassidy’s flixes, followed by Amazon Prime Video compared to other streaming platforms. See the full graph below.

Releases by Year

Nat Cassidy on average has worked on 1 movies per year from 2011 to 2017. See the full graphs of the number of Nat Cassidy movies released per year from 2011 till 2017.

Top Genres

Nat Cassidy works mostly in Action Genre followed by Sci-Fi Genre flixes. 21% of Nat Cassidy movies are Action Genre movies. See Top Genres that Nat Cassidy worked on in the graph below.

Average IMDB Score

On average the IMDB score of the movies that Nat Cassidy has worked on is 3.2.

3.2 / 10

Nat Cassidy's Movies and Tv Series available to Stream now ..

The 100-year history of a troubled American family.

4.5/1089 min

Available in 11 platform(s).

New York City. 2016. In the years since Hurricane Sandy, the city has been brought to its knees by a series of 'Frankenstorms.' As hurricane season hits yet again, New York braces itself ...

4.4/1073 min

Available in 2 platform(s).

Earth, age XXIII. Elite group of soldiers is sent to a secret government research station in order to destroy the supercomputer, which rebelled against their creators. On site, it is apparent that the machine is much stronger than expected.

1.8/1078 min

Available in 1 platform(s).

Battle: New York, Day 2 (2011)

Laura Sommer's therapy for hearing voices in her head is cut short when New York City is rocked by an alien invasion. Laura is knocked out and awakens to a city in which the population has ...

1.8/1094 min

Available in 1 platform(s).