Charlotte Chatton


Charlotte Chatton Movies or Tv Shows (upto Jun 2024) - Watch Online

29th May 2022 | FlixCatalog Staff

At age eleven Charlotte Chatton won a scholarship to attend the Italia Conti Academy of Theatre Arts in London, where she excelled and received top honors in the drama department. During seven years of intensive training, she also began to work professionally, starring in dozens of commercials, music videos, network TV shows and films. Upon graduation, she landed the coveted leading role in Working Title Films' award-winning feature "Dakota Road," which opened the London Film Festival. 'The London Evening Standard' recognized her work as "a performance of tremendous promise" and 'Variety' hailed the film as "An artistic winner." This break along with other appearances in award-winning British series such as "Inspector Morse", led to a relocation to Los Angeles. Directors such as James Cameron, Danny Boyle & James Keach singled out Charlotte, and consequently she has starred in several award-winning productions, working opposite the likes of Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet, Kathy Bates, Martin Short, Phil Hartman, Jan Hooks, Alan Howard, Joan Fontaine and Leo McKern.More recently, Charlotte has been working primarily behind the camera, and was an Executive Producer on the award-winning documentary, 'California Typewriter', featuring interviews with Tom Hanks and Sam Shepard. Premiering at the Telluride Film Festival 2016, and nominated for 3 Critics' Choice Awards, California Typewriter was highly acclaimed by every top critic, and scored a 100% Rotten Tomatoes rating. Charlotte is also Co-Producer/Writer on the festival winning documentary, Women of the White Buffalo, for which her new banner Westmount Pictures also served as Production Company. Westmount Pictures currently has several boundary-pushing projects in development. In 2009 Charlotte founded a professional screenwriting consultation service responsible for nurturing a new generation of successful TV & screen writers. - IMDb Mini Biography By: Dirk Voetberg

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Streaming Availability

Amazon Video has the most number of Charlotte Chatton’s flixes, followed by YouTube compared to other streaming platforms. See the full graph below.

Releases by Year

Charlotte Chatton on average has worked on 1 movies per year from 1990 to 2021. See the full graphs of the number of Charlotte Chatton movies released per year from 1990 till 2021.

Top Genres

Charlotte Chatton works mostly in Drama Genre followed by Documentary Genre flixes. 38% of Charlotte Chatton movies are Drama Genre movies. See Top Genres that Charlotte Chatton worked on in the graph below.

Average IMDB Score

On average the IMDB score of the movies that Charlotte Chatton has worked on is 6.4.

6.4 / 10

Charlotte Chatton's Movies and Tv Series available to Stream now ..

Following the heart attack of his father, Hilbert decides to reevaluate his life and does so to the accompaniment of super 8 films of his childhood.

5.4/1075 min

Available in 1 platform(s).

In the 22nd century, a scientist attempts to right the wrong his ancestor created: the puzzle box that opens the gates of Hell and unleashes Pinhead and his Cenobite legions.

5/1085 min

Available in 10 platform(s).