Brody Wellmaker


Brody Wellmaker Movies or Tv Shows (upto Jun 2024) - Watch Online

29th May 2022 | FlixCatalog Staff

Brody Wellmaker was born in Grayson, Georgia to Staci and Tim Wellmaker. He is the third of six children. He has two older brothers, two younger brothers and one younger sister. Brody majored in Acting at the University of North Georgia and Brenau University. After attending school in Gainesville, he pursued his acting career and moved to Atlanta. Shortly after moving to Atlanta he signed on with Aligned Stars Agency and has been working towards stardom ever since. As of 2014 he lives with his girlfriend and a household of animals that he considers his children in Atlanta. An accomplished singer, Brody has shared the stage with some of Atlanta's most talented artists such as David DeVries and Alan Kilpatrick. He performed as DeVries' lover in Gainesville Theatre Alliance's production of "The Producers" as Carmen Ghia. Brody has worked on both "The Originals" and "Vampire Diaries." His scene in "The Originals" never made it to the final cut which allowed him to accept an offer for "Vampire Diaries." In his spare time, Brody plays guitar, ultimate frisbee, cards, and loves spending time with his large family at home in Grayson. - IMDb Mini Biography By: P.R.

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Streaming Availability

DIRECTV has the most number of Brody Wellmaker’s flixes, followed by undefined compared to other streaming platforms. See the full graph below.

Releases by Year

Brody Wellmaker on average has worked on 1 movies per year from 2014 to 2014. See the full graphs of the number of Brody Wellmaker movies released per year from 2014 till 2014.

Top Genres

Brody Wellmaker works mostly in Crime Genre followed by Documentary Genre flixes. 50% of Brody Wellmaker movies are Crime Genre movies. See Top Genres that Brody Wellmaker worked on in the graph below.

Average IMDB Score

On average the IMDB score of the movies that Brody Wellmaker has worked on is 7.1.

7.1 / 10

Brody Wellmaker's Movies and Tv Series available to Stream now ..

Your Worst Nightmare is a 60-minute ID network true crime show. This narrated show blends reenactments of key events with commentary from law enforcement, criminal justice professionals, ...

7.1/1043 min

Available in 11 platform(s).