Assaad Bouab


Assaad Bouab Movies or Tv Shows (upto Jun 2024) - Watch Online

29th May 2022 | FlixCatalog Staff

Assaad was born in July 1980 in Aurillac, France. His mother is French, and his father is Moroccan. He grew up in Rabat, Morocco, and, in 1998 he left his home town and family to go to Paris and start acting lessons in the Cours Florent. In 2006, Assaad graduated from the prestigious National Conservatory of Paris. He is an actor known for Marock (2005), Indigènes (2006), Whatever Lola Wants (2007), Hors la loi (2010), the part of Waleed in Homeland season 5. He's one of the recurrent parts in Dix pour cent (Call my agent on Netflix). He also performed in TV series Braquo and Kaboul Kitchen for Canal +. He did films in English : Ali & Nino by Asif Kapadia for Netflix and The bay of silence by Paula Van Der Oest. He performed as 'Q' in Messiah (soon on Netflix). He speaks French, English and Arabic fluently. - IMDb Mini Biography By: anonymous

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Streaming Availability

Amazon Video has the most number of Assaad Bouab’s flixes, followed by Google Play Movies compared to other streaming platforms. See the full graph below.

Releases by Year

Assaad Bouab on average has worked on 1 movies per year from 2006 to 2021. See the full graphs of the number of Assaad Bouab movies released per year from 2006 till 2021.

Top Genres

Assaad Bouab works mostly in Drama Genre followed by History Genre flixes. 47% of Assaad Bouab movies are Drama Genre movies. See Top Genres that Assaad Bouab worked on in the graph below.

Average IMDB Score

On average the IMDB score of the movies that Assaad Bouab has worked on is 6.3.

6.3 / 10

Assaad Bouab's Movies and Tv Series available to Stream now ..

Kandisha (2008)

Shattered by the loss of her child, Nyla Jayde, a brilliant criminal defense attorney, takes on a case involving a 14th century Moroccan legend, a vengeful spirit named "Kandisha".

6.5/1091 min

Available in 2 platform(s).

A New York postal worker travels to Egypt to take belly dancing lessons from a legendary instructor.

6.4/10115 min

Available in 8 platform(s).

The Bay of Silence (2020)

Will believes his wife Rosalind is innocent of their son's suspected murder, only to discover the devastating truth behind her past links her to another unsolved crime.

4.3/1093 min

Available in 10 platform(s).