Felipe Andrés Echavarría


Felipe Andrés Echavarría Movies or Tv Shows (upto Dec 2024) - Watch Online

29th May 2022 | FlixCatalog Staff

Andrés Echavarría is an actor, known for Apocalipsur (2005).

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Releases by Year

Felipe Andrés Echavarría on average has worked on 1 movies per year from 2005 to 2005. See the full graphs of the number of Felipe Andrés Echavarría movies released per year from 2005 till 2005.

Top Genres

Felipe Andrés Echavarría works mostly in Drama Genre flixes. 100% of Felipe Andrés Echavarría movies are Drama Genre movies. See Top Genres that Felipe Andrés Echavarría worked on in the graph below.

Average IMDB Score

On average the IMDB score of the movies that Felipe Andrés Echavarría has worked on is 6.9.

6.9 / 10

Felipe Andrés Echavarría's Movies and Tv Series available to Stream now ..

"El Barón" tells the story of Ignacio Montero, a young Mexican rebel, dreamer and visionary who changed the world of drug trafficking.

7.6/10\N min

Available in 2 platform(s).

Love & Coffee (2016)

Zoe finds the best flavor for a big coffee and donuts chain, but the story needs to be better than: invented in a lab with a test group. She's sent to Colombia to get a story. She meets Diego, a single coffee farmer.

5.2/1090 min

Available in 15 platform(s).